Friday, December 10, 2010


Oh dear.... I said I'd come back tomorrow and its been over a month, oops... I guess that's what happens when I am attempting to finish my degree, putting up and taking down two Grad shows, trying to find a job, making work for the design market and trying to make Xmas presents, all at the same time.

Phew, things are almost over for the year so I'm finally getting to see a few exhibitions (having missed way too many this year due to my desire to pass all my subjects...).

The first was Fuse, the RMIT TAFE Textiles graduation show at the Counihan Gallery in Brunswick.

The show looked beautiful, very curated, professional, finished. The knit and the weave students' work stood out by far.
The exhibition runs til Saturday the 18th (next Saturday) and if you do make it I highly recommend checking out Kayo Taguchi, Lotta Apted and Carla Grbac's work... I should have taken notes really as there are many more you should look at but I can't remember their names! Just think 'knits and weaves', they're all pretty gorgeous.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rights of Passage Films

I was having a conversation with a couple of friends at work today about Twin Peaks, one whom revealed that she'd never seen it. Twin Peaks is one of those tv shows/movies that has generated so many quotes and iconic characters that it has cemented itself in modern pop culture and become a kind of 'right of passage' to watch. This idea got me thinking - what other films or shows have the same right-of-passage 'aura' about them? I'm going to start a list - I like lists, lists are good...

The first film that came to mind was Star Wars - chiefly because the third contributer to the Twin Peaks conversation has massive Boba Fett tattoo on the back of his leg.

The second was 2001: A Space Odyssey - I found the book for 20 cents at an op-shop a few months ago and reading it gave me a whole new perspective on the film - it actually began to make sense! The written descriptions of the universe are amazing, they inspired me so much I based a whole body of work on the images those descriptions conjured for me.

Blade Runner - another awesome Sci-Fi and a second appearance in this list from Harrison Ford.

Anything by Tarantino, especially Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

Anything by the Coen brothers, except Intollerable Cruelty.

Withnail and I - my friendship test

Apocalypse Now

The Godfather I & II (not III)

Hmmmm... My eyes are drooping and my brain seems to have turned itself off... Will dream of some more tonight and get back to you.

Bon nuit tout la monde!

What to expect... hmmmm...

A bit of art, a dash of design, a splash of craft and quite a lot of film. This is what I'm in to and what influences my work so it stands to reason that that's what I should write about. Wish me luck!